Nearly 900 Gas Station employees received advanced training in "Commercial Civilization"

 12:34 PM @ Wednesday - 23 November, 2022

Following awareness training series on commercial civilization, on May 5, 2022, at Petrolimex Saigon Buiding, the Petroleum Retail Enterprise (PRE) continued to organize training classes to develop working skills for staff (SALESPEOPLE).

Head of Petroleum Retail Enterprise Director Nguyen Thanh Hai gives a speech at the opening of the course

Speaking at the opening of the course, Head of HR Department Nguyen Minh Thang affirmed the important role of the human factor in enterprise development in general and particular; upholding the need for training sessions while asking students to participate in a course with a strong spirit, absorbing the knowledge to apply flexibly to handle situations arising with customers; a wishing student has useful and productive study.

At the end of phase 1 training for the management sector, the program is evaluated practically and effectively. It supported gas station managers identified the role of supporting and accompanying, managing employees, and classified incidents arising to solve problems in a civilized way, creative and reasonable. Phase 2 consists of 18 classes of salespeople who directly face everyday situations of daily behavior with customers. Managers expect class helps staff raise awareness and deeper understanding of the importance of commercial civilization, improve communication and sales skills in a 5-step process, handle situations that occur during the sale process at the store; towards the long-term goal of building a team with "Responsible - Knowledge - Civilized" workers to meet the increasingly fierce competitive requirements of the market - Affirming the Petrolimex brand. After the training course, students can apply directly to change daily working routines, contribute to labor productivity increases, and also the development of the organization.

Head of HR Department Nguyen Minh Thang shares ideas to the opening class

Some of Training Course pictures:

Miss Trương Thị Mai - Speed Academy Lecturer contained knowledge to class

Director Nguyen Thanh Hai on behalf of PRE thanked lecturer for bringing the course a lot of practical and useful knowledge

Disscusing issues during class

PRE leaders answer questions from students

Encouraging groups and individuals who had contributions to the course

Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Petrolimex (PLX)

Committed to constantly making an effort to go further on the path of development and bring the lives of Vietnamese people and all Petrolimex employees to new heights in the future